First Dose Appointment Scheduler Opens Today at 10am: The Union County Health Department is opening the appointment scheduler at 10am today, March 26, for next week’s COVID-19 vaccination clinics (Tuesday, Thursday and Friday clinics). Beginning at 10am today, go to to book a first dose COVID-19 vaccination appointment for next week’s clinics.
Tips for Using the Scheduler:
- This scheduler is for persons who need a first dose of COVID-19 vaccine. Once you receive your first dose, a second dose is reserved for you using a private second dose scheduler.
- Click on the blue “book appointment button” at to book your appointment.
- After selecting your location, date and time, you must indicate how you qualify for vaccination from the drop-down options. By making this selection you affirm you meet Ohio’s eligibility requirements.
- You must book separate appointments for each person needing vaccination. You can come in the same vehicle at the same time, but you do need an appointment for each person on the same day so we can reserve vaccine for you.
- This scheduler is for clinics over the next 10 days. Once all appointments have been booked, a red error message indicating “all available appointments have been booked” will appear at the top of the page. An appointment scheduler opens each week to book appointments for the upcoming week based on vaccine allocations.
Eligibility: For clinics after March 29, Ohioans age 16 and older are eligible for vaccination. The Union County Health Department has been notified we will receive the Pfizer vaccine next week which can be administered to persons age 16 and older.
This scheduler and vaccination clinics are intended for those who work or live in Union County, Ohio.
Age 65 & Older & Still Need a Vaccine: We are partnering with Union County Senior Services to help get persons age 65 and older vaccinated. If you are having trouble booking your first dose of COVID-19 vaccine, please call Union County Senior Services at (937) 644-1010 select opt 5, the Marysville Public Library or the Richwood-North Union Public Library to get help.
Need Help Getting to a Vaccination Appointment: Union County Area Transportation System (UCATS) is providing rides to vaccination appointments for persons age 60 and older or persons with Medicaid.
If you received your first dose of COVID-19 vaccine from the Union County Health Department, a second dose has been reserved for you. This second dose is scheduled through a private appointment scheduler rather than the public scheduler opened today. You should receive an email from approximately 15 days after your first dose. This email will have a unique link and your pre-populated demographic information so that you can select the time for your second dose. This second dose is due 21 days after your first dose. It is important you schedule your second dose appointment on or just after 21 days from your first dose. If you did not provide an email, our office will call you to schedule your second dose about 5 days prior to your second dose due date.
If you received your first dose of COVID-19 vaccine from another vaccine provider, you should contact that provider for your second dose. Second dose vaccine allocations are provided based on first doses administered by each provider.
In accordance with the CDC and health professionals, we encourage individuals to receive whichever vaccine is available to them first. Unless directed by your doctor due to a contraindication to a specific vaccine component or medical condition, we do NOT recommend waiting to get a specific COVID-19 vaccine. We cannot at this time take requests for a specific vaccine type as we cannot guarantee what type of vaccine we receive each week or in what quantities.
CDC Guidance for People Who are Fully Vaccinated
People are considered fully vaccinated 2-weeks after their second dose in a two-dose series (like the Pfizer or Moderna vaccines) or 2-weeks after a single-dose vaccine (like the Johnson & Johnson vaccine). Click here to read more about what CDC recommends for persons who fully vaccinated.
The vaccine supply is growing, but still remains a limited in comparison to the demand. We encourage residents to explore all options for receiving their vaccine. Union County currently has three COVID-19 vaccine providers listed through the State of Ohio – Kroger pharmacy, Walgreens pharmacy and the Union County Health Department. Click on each link to go to the online scheduling site for each provider. If you are able to travel, you can also find vaccination opportunities in our neighboring counties through select Discount Drug Mart, Giant Eagle, Kroger, Rite Aid, Walgreens, and WalMart. Several healthcare systems such as OhioHealth, Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center and Central Ohio Primary Care are also providing vaccinations. Click here to view all Ohio vaccine providers.