The Union County Health Department is reporting 7 new cases since our previous Thursday, May 21 update. Case counts remain stable. Please note that our numbers are different from the Ohio Department of Health numbers as we are not including cases reported by the Ohio Dept of Rehabilitation & Corrections at the Ohio Reformatory for Women in our community count (currently 2 cases at ORW).
The Union County Health Department is reporting 44 cumulative cases within Union County residents. 33 cases are lab confirmed cases. 11 cases are probable cases per CDC guidelines. 31 individuals have recovered (defined as released from isolation). 13 are actively ill and in isolation. 1 individual is currently hospitalized. 0 deaths have been reported. 0 cases have been reported in long-term care facilities. Cases are 54.5% male and 45.5% female. Age range is <1 to 83 years with a median age of 38.5 and an average age of 40.4. Illness onset ranges from Mar. 1 to May 21. 3 individuals have been asymptomatic (shown no symptoms). 30% of cases were community acquired (unknown source of exposure), 27% of cases had occupational exposure (healthcare worker, correctional facility worker, first responder), 24% of cases were close contacts of a known case, 16% of cases had travel exposure, 3% reside in a correctional facility. Currently we are monitoring 28 close contacts for symptoms. To date, 7 close contacts have become ill with COVID-19.
Few Complaints Over Memorial Weekend: Over the Memorial weekend, our community did a good job of adapting to the safety requirements put forth by the Governor and State Health Director. Our team received very few complaints from our residents concerning public gatherings and indoor/outdoor dining. We thank our businesses and residents for continuing to protect our community.
Antibody Testing: Positive antibody tests are now required to be included in our probable case counts IF the individual was either exposed to a laboratory confirmed case of COVID-19 or IF the individual experienced symptoms of COVID-19. As more individuals seek antibody testing, this change in probable definition may result in an increased number of probable cases.
It is important to understand the limitations of antibody testing. Antibody testing helps in public health surveillance to better understand how much a virus may have spread through a community. However, for the individual, we don’t know if a positive antibody test means you have immunity to the virus that causes COVID-19. We also don’t know how long any possible immunity may last. Antibody tests may not specify if you were infected with SARS CoV-2, the specific virus that causes COVID-19, or one of the related coronaviruses that commonly circulate and cause the common cold.
Today’s Re-openings: Pools, gyms, sports leagues (low contact), sports skill training (weightlifting, skill training, conditioning for contact and low-contact sports), and BMVs can reopen today (May 26). The Union County Health Department has consulted with our municipal pools, public sports facilities, and school districts to prepare for the safe reopening of these activities. The decision on when and how to reopen will be made by each organization. As the local health department, we will provide guidance on the implementation of the required safety measures and assist operators as questions or concerns arise. As with all we do in Union County, moving forward will continue to be a partnership between residents, facilities and our health department.