Our call volume has picked up this week. Here are answers to some of the most frequent questions we’ve received this week. And for residents of Northern Union County, click here to learn more about COVID-19 vaccination opportunities at the Richwood Independent Fair.
Should I get a booster dose of COVID vaccine?
Third Doses of Pfizer and Moderna Recommended for a Small Group of Immunocompromised Individuals
The CDC released recommendations on Aug. 13 that a third dose of Pfizer or Moderna vaccine is being recommended for individuals who are moderately to severely immunocompromised. In accordance with this recommendation, UCHD can provide a third dose of Pfizer vaccine to individuals who fall into this moderately to severely immunocompromised group. At this time, a third dose is not recommended for any other groups. The White House has indicated a third dose of vaccine may be recommended for more individuals in coming months, but at this point, no clinical recommendations have been released. We will continue to monitor closely and be prepared to offer additional doses if/when it is recommended by the CDC.
Here’s what to know about the new recommendation for moderately to severely immunocompromised people:
Most people only need two doses of pfizer or moderna vaccine or one dose of Johnson & Johnson vaccine at this time.
Individuals who are moderately to severely immunocompromised are recommended to get a third dose of Pfizer or Moderna vaccine. This includes people who have:
Been receiving active cancer treatment for tumors or cancers of the blood
Received an organ transplant and are taking medicine to suppress the immune system
Received a stem cell transplant within the last 2 years or are taking medicine to suppress the immune system
Moderate or severe primary immunodeficiency (such as DiGeorge syndrome, Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome)
Advanced or untreated HIV infection
Active treatment with high-dose corticosteroids or other drugs that may suppress your immune response
People should talk to their healthcare provider about their medical condition, and whether getting an additional dose is appropriate for them. The Union County Health Department cannot determine if a third dose is appropriate for you. Please consult with your regular healthcare provider to determine if a third dose is needed.
Patients should try to get the same type of vaccine for the third dose as they received for the first two doses (example: if I received pfizer for the first and second dose, I should get pfizer for the third dose).
A third should be administered at least 28 days after the second dose.
Immunocompromised individuals who received the Johnson & Johnson vaccine are not recommended to receive an additional dose of J&J vaccine or a dose of Pfizer or Moderna vaccine at this time.
If you fit within this moderately to severely immunocompromised group and/or have been advised by your healthcare provider that you should receive a third dose, you can make an appointment at one of UCHD’s COVID-19 vaccination clinics offered on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. You do not need to bring proof of your medical condition, but will be asked to attest that you fit within the CDC’s recommended group to receive a third dose. We encourage individuals who think they may fit in this group to talk to their healthcare provider to determine if a third dose is appropriate. To make an appointment, go to www.uchdclinic.org or call (937) 642-2053.
To learn more, go to: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/vaccines/recommendations/immuno.html
How do I replace my lost COVID shot card?
Replacement of Lost COVID Vaccine Cards
The Union County Health Department is happy to replace a lost COVID vaccination card for a vaccination administered by the Union County Health Department. To prevent fraudulent records, we require patients to complete a release of medical records form and provide a state issued ID. If you need to replace a lost COVID vaccination card, please send an email to contact@uchd.net.
Where can I get a COVID test?
COVID Testing is Available
Individuals who are sick with symptoms of COVID-19 are encouraged to get tested especially if there is suspicion of exposure. Free at-home rapid antigen test kits are available from the Union County Health Department, Marysville Public Library and Richwood-North Union Library. Please call ahead before stopping in to pick up a test kit. Click here to learn more.
Do I need to wear a mask again?
Masks Recommended to Maximize Protection During Periods of High Spread of COVID
Union County is continuing to experience a high level of community spread of the virus that causes COVID-19. We have held steady at about 150 new cases per 100,000 people over the course of this week. This exceeds the CDC threshold for high level of community transmission. The CDC recommends layering vaccination and masking when indoors in public areas where social distancing can’t be maintained in order to increase protection against COVID-19 due to the heightened risk for exposure.
The CDC guidance for reducing your risk during times of high community transmission include:
Get vaccinated if age 12 or older.
Conduct a daily health check and stay home if you are sick.
Maintain social distancing as much as possible.
Wear a mask indoors in public to maximize your protection (even if you are vaccinated).
Wash hands frequently with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.
Use hand sanitizer when soap and water are not available.
Avoid touching your face.
Cover coughs or sneezes.