With the Delta variant circulating widely in the US, cases increasing in Ohio, and cases on an upswing for multiple weeks within our own community, the Union County Health Department is reinstating COVID-19 updates for our community. Updates will be provided every two weeks or as the local situation changes.

What We’re Watching Here in Union County, OH
COMMUNITY TRANSMISSION – The CDC COVID-19 tracking map is now indicating Union County has a substantial level of community transmission. All of our neighboring counties (Champaign, Delaware, Franklin, Logan, Madison and Marion) except Hardin and Madison counties are also experiencing substantial spread. Substantial spread indicates our county experienced a case rate between 50 and 99 new cases per 100,000 people or a positivity rate between 8-10% during the previous week. Union County recorded approximately 44 new cases within the last seven days moving our rate of new cases per 100,000 people to 74.59. This is a similar rate of new cases as what we saw in October 2020. Our positivity rate is less than 3%. We have recorded 5 ICU admissions among Union County residents this week, up considerably from what we’ve seen over the course of the summer.

Source: https://covid.cdc.gov/covid-data-tracker/#county-view

VACCINATION RATES – The CDC advises the US will likely see hyperlocal outbreaks of COVID-19 in areas with low vaccination rates. In Union County,49% of Union County residents are fully vaccinated. It is estimated more than 84% of adults age 60 and older are fully vaccinated. Vaccination is lowest among school aged children (an estimated 16% of those age 0-19* are fully vaccinated) and young adults.(an estimated 39% of young adults age 20-29 are fully vaccinated). An estimated 58% of our working age population (adults age 30-59) are fully vaccinated. Additionally, there is wide variation among vaccination percentages within our county borders. More than 80% of individuals residing in zipcodes in our southeast quadrant are vaccinated. In contrast, roughly 30% of individuals residing in zipcodes in the northern half of the county are vaccinated.
August Vaccination Clinics

COVID-19 vaccinations are available Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays at the Union County Health Department. Vaccination is free and ages 12 and older are welcome (a parent/legal guardian must accompany a minor). It only takes about 20 minutes. Book a morning, afternoon or evening time at www.uchdclinic.org or call (937) 642-2053. Walk-ins welcome. UCHD typically provides Pfizer (2-dose series) or Johnson & Johnson (1-dose) vaccines. If you are seeking a specific brand of vaccine, please email contact@uchd.net to verify availability.

What Residents Have Been Asking About

Do I need a third shot?
There are currently no recommendations to administer a booster COVID-19 vaccine. People  who received both doses of the Moderna or Pfizer vaccine or a single dose of Johnson & Johnson vaccine are considered fully vaccinated and not advised to get an additional dose at this time. The Union County Health Department is monitoring the federal recommendations closely and has made preparations to be able to respond should a third dose of vaccine be needed.

Should I be maskng in public?
Unvaccinated persons should be masking in public indoor settings or settings where social distancing can’t be maintained. When community transmission is substantial or high, it is recommended that even fully vaccinated people consider wearing a mask in public indoor settings. It is important to keep in mind that prevention strategies provide the most protection when layered together. If you are concerned for your health or the health of a loved one, vaccination and masking can be layered together to increase protection as we move back indoors and as the delta variant is spreading.

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