From Oct. 19 to Oct. 27, 86 new cases of COVID-19 were reported to the Union County Health Department. This 8 day total represents a 15% increase in COVID-19 cases in Union County. In total, 193 new cases have been reported thus far in October, equating to 30% of Union County cumulative cases (634). One additional hospitalization was reported (31 total). Three COVID-19 related deaths have been reported among Union County residents to date. There are currently 61 individuals actively ill and in isolation. 570 individuals have been released from isolation. To date, 5% of Union County COVID-19 cases have required hospitalization, ICU care, intubation or resulted in death. 88% have had illness that can be managed at home and 7% have had no symptoms.
Click here to see the full weekly data report with mapping and visual breakdown of data.
Trick or Treat: “What do you think about trick or treat this year?” “What are your thoughts on passing out candy?” “Are you going to trick or treat this year?” These are the three most common questions our staff are getting from their friends and family.
The CDC lists traditional trick or treat to be a high-risk activity during the pandemic. Yes, it is outside. But, it is also near impossible to control the flow of people or to avoid running into groups of people. So, what are we telling our friends and family?
– If you can do something fun at home like a candy scavenger hunt and a virtual costume contest instead of a traditional trick or treat or trunk or treat, this is the best option.
– If you or one of your family members is at high risk for complications, we urge you to avoid participating in Halloween gatherings or taking children trick or treating.
– If you or a household member are feeling ill, have tested positive for COVID-19, have been around someone with COVID-19, or are awaiting COVID-19 test results, stay home.
– Put thought into how you’ll hand out candy. The best option is to put candy in individual bags or separate it out on a table. Put the table at the end of your drive and then enjoy the children from 6 or more feet away. The goal is to 1) stay 6 feet apart from the trick or treaters, 2) have a layout that keeps the trick or treaters moving in one direction (instead of going up to and away from your door), 3) avoid everybody touching the same candy.
– If you do go trick or treating, please wear a cloth face covering. Avoid groups of people. Stick to your neighborhood. Reduce the time you spend trick or treating (hit fewer houses and look for houses that have treats put out on a table at the end of the drive). Also think about when trick or treating is less busy in your neighborhood and adjust the time you go out.
– Just like we talk to our kids about stranger danger and pedestrian safety before our kids head out to trick-or-treat, talk to your kids about keeping some space between themselves and others.
We do not encourage holding or going to Halloween parties this year. Avoiding gatherings is the best way to protect our families and neighbors and keep our businesses, schools, and churches open and healthy.