As of noon today, 72 cases of COVID-19 have been reported among Union County residents since the first case was reported on March 20. 53 cases are lab-confirmed and 19 cases are probable per clinical and/or epidemiologic evidence as outlined by the CDC and the Ohio Infectious Disease Control Manual. Of these reported cases, 5 Union County residents are actively ill (considered infectious and in isolation), 66 have been released from isolation (no longer considered infectious), and 1 death has been reported. Hospitalization has been required for 5 individuals during their illness (with one individual currently hospitalized). 4 individuals never had symptoms (asymptomatic). The illness onset ranges from Jan. 25 to Jun. 17, 2020. The age range is <1 to 83 with a median age of 38.5 and an average age of 39.9. 56.9% of reported cases are male and 43.1% are female.