68 cumulative cases of COVID-19 have been reported to the Union County Health Department as of today. Currently, 7 individuals are considered actively ill and in isolation, 60 individuals have been released from isolation and no longer considered infectious, and 1 death has been reported. Hospitalization has been required for 4 individuals during their illness (0 currently hospitalized). 3 individuals have been asymptomatic. Of the 68 cumulative cases reported among Union County residents, 50 are lab confirmed cases, 11 are clinically or epidemiological probable cases per CDC definition, and 7 are positive antibody tests from an FDA emergency use authorized test. 41% of cases have unknown exposure classified as community acquired; 28% are contacts of a known case; 12% are travel related; 10% are occupational exposure; and 9% are linked to a known outbreak cluster in Ohio. The age range of cases is <1 to 83 years. The mean age is 38 and the average age is 38.7. Illness onset has ranged from Jan. 25 to Jun. 17. 55.9% of cases have been male and 44.1% have been female.
See this week’s epi update report for a visual representation of this data.
6/22/2020 Epi Update